China Telecom

China Telecom

China Telecom

Customer Service Design for Improving Customer Retention


China Telecom is the largest carrier in China. Many senior customers struggle with using online customer service, which has contributed to user attrition.

To address this, we designed a customer service guide featuring real-time flashcards to clarify technical terms and scenario-based reports for seniors' families. This solution improved customer loyalty.


/Our client

China Telecom is 1 of the 3 biggest telecommunication companies in China. It has 107 million fixed-line subscribers, 372 million mobile phone subscribers and 170 million broadband subscribers now.

/Business Challenge of Retaining Senior Customers

1) China Telecom has a large group of elderly customers.

2) Customer service experience is the last straw for subscribers,
It has a direct impact on whether they will continue to use this carrier.

/Research insights on customer charactristics

/Design Goal

/Brainstorming session

/User Journey


  1. Seniors are barely aware of online customer complaint channels, but they have the ability and demand to use it.

  2. Senior have trouble understanding some technical terms that most people find easy and common.

/UI Key Features

/User Flow

This service design makes up for the inadequate part of customer service and brings better experience not only to seniors, but also to customer service staff and seniors' families.